Ace Pigeons lines

The most special pigeons are in mine opinion Ace Pigeons at a National Level In the strongest competion. I am always looking for tem or direct children!

At my Breeding Loft there is a unique collection of 4 NAT ZLU ACE PIGEONS and many top 10 Aces. All raced at my Loft.

These AEC PIGEONS line is based on 3 famous pigeons I bought in the past:

2x Nat winner at the Ko van Dommelen Loft and a wonderbreeder in 2nd , 3rd etc generations including many national and international winners. His grandson BLACK ACE became 1st SEMI NAT ACE ZLU ’12 4th Nat ACE and a real topbreeder! He is sire to BLACK WARRIOR 1st S. Nat. NARBONNE, NEW ACE 6x times top 100 National. WISE GUY, NEW BLACK ACE etc. Other grandchildren are WONDER OF GOES, DRIFTKIKKER & MR AGEN.

SUPERBREEDER direct inbr.son of the 1st INT. ACE ‘96 “STAYER” at the Jac Steketee Loft (100% Jan Aarden based). Sire and grandsire to many topracers and topracers for example BARCELONA MAN, PAUMAN, MARSEILLE MAN, BLUE THUNDER, PAREL, STAYER HEN etc etc.

topracer at the van Ophuizen Loft incl 6th Nat Tarbes. TARBS is a100% R Florizoone pigeon grandson of 1st Nat Barcelona, 2nd Int. Dax. At my loft sire to 2 Nat. ZLU ACE Pigeons DE CAHORS & DRIFTKIKKER!!!


In the current colony these 3 pigeons from the ACE PIGEONS DYNASTIE play an important role as progenitors. It is no coincidence that 2 sons and 1 grandson of the legend “DE PAARSBORST”

BLACK ACE and his half-sister WONDER VAN GOES (raced by Carlo Dominicu) produced many toppers such as the pigeons below.


8 op 8 op de marathon vluchten met 4 x top 100
– 27e Nat.Marseille ZLU, 4.310 duiven 2021
– 33e Nat.St Vincent ZLU 2.699 duiven 2019
– 68e Nat Perpignan ZLU 4.283 duiven 2019
– 84e Nat Agen OL 3.450 duiven 2018
3e Asduif ZLU Perpignan over 3 jaar 2019 -2020 -2021
2x 1e Asduif NIC 1622 Middelharnis in 2019 en 2021
In het NIC tegen vele nationaal bekende toppers won hij een 1e, 2e, 2e, 4e, 6e enz.
Zoon van BLACK ACE x WIJNANDS Duivin (kleindochter 301 x ZUS 1e Nat. Barcelona Noël Peiren.


1e NIC Narbonne 2020
1e St. Noord en Zuid-Holland Narbonne 2.035 duiven
en 1e Semi Nationaal ca. 50 minuten los!
18e ZLU Narbonne 6.725 duiven
27e Internationaal Oude Duiven 12.848 duiven